
Stress Management - Half Day (4 CPD Hours)

Stress can be a positive thing which drives us on and helps us to grow, develop and be stimulated. When stress reaches a certain level however, it can overcome our ability to cope and can impact on our physical and mental health. This Stress Management session has been developed to help you identify the causes and effects of stress and to help you develop the skills required to manage your own stress levels.

The focus is on the positive steps that can be taken to make changes to reduce the impact that 'bad' stress places on people.

Course Presenter – Carol Wilson

Carol Wilson is a senior practitioner of change and project management with extensive business experience, inclusive of 11 years as a counsellor and psychologist. She has extensive experience in the development and delivery of training material and specializes in the ‘soft’ skills needed for employment or project success. Her experience includes diverse industries across small business to large corporations.


  • Identifying Stress.
  • Mitchell method of relaxation.
  • Daily Hassles & Life Events.
  • Coping Strategies.
  • Benson Method of relaxation response.

Who Should Attend?

  • Everyone

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • Define Stress and the affect it has on the body.
  • Use specific relaxation techniques to overcome stress.
  • Follow a model for coping with stress.
  • Identify methods of avoiding stress where possible.
  • Reduce their own stress by following clear techniques.

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